天使在南京(别名:tianshizainanjing )由Frank,Ferendo,Jordan,Horowitz主持执导,是一部扣人心弦的记录片。 The Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing is one of the most famous bridges in China. It is also the most popular place in the world to commit suicide. For the past 11 years Chen Si has been patrolling this bridge, looking to provide aid for those who've gone there to end their lives. Incredibly, he has saved over 300 people since he began - nearly one every two weeks. 南京长江大桥是中国最著名的桥梁之一,同时也是世界上自杀最高发的地点。11年以来陈思一直巡逻于大桥之上,以救助那些准备轻生的人们。难以置信的是,他从开始到如今拯救过的人数已在300以上 - 几乎是每两个礼拜救一人。天使在南京更多精彩反同运动的前世今生玄奘大师大卫·克罗斯比:请以我的名字记住我舍她其谁共情光影:埃及剧院百年传奇P!NK:我所知道的一切戴夫·查普尔:淡定大上海的过客艾格妮捡风景:两年后成为:米歇尔·奥巴马自传